There is a narrow passage in Cambridge, running between Gonville and Caius and Trinity Colleges. It is called Garrett Hostel Lane, and someone, perhaps one of the enterprising young men who lure tourists into very expensive punts, regularly refreshes a
Little Gidding Pilgrimage 2017
Saturday 20 May The 2017 Pilgrimage is on Saturday 20 May and will be led jointly by Canon Tim Alban Jones and Dr Bridget Nichols.
Events Calendar 2017
Advance notice of 2017 events. For a list of dates on which events are planned, please follow the link.
Nicholas Ferrar Day and the AGM of the Friends 2016
The annual commemoration of Nicholas Ferrar takes place at Little Gidding on the Saturday closest to his feast day, Saturday 3 December 2016, with a celebration of Holy Communion at 10.30am. The Rector, the Revd Mary Jepp, will preside and afterwards Canon Jessica Martin will give the address. The AGM of the Friends of Little Gidding will follow after lunch.
Little Gidding Pilgrimage 2016
This year’s Little Gidding Pilgrimage is just a few weeks away, on Saturday 21 May. Further details of the programme are now available and we invite you to let us know if you are coming.
Little Gidding Pilgrimage 2016
Saturday 21 May The 2016 Pilgrimage is on Saturday 21 May and the leader will be the Very Revd Frances Ward, the Dean of St Edmundsbury and Chair of the Little Gidding Trust.
The Ferrars of Little Gidding: a Conference at Magdalene College, Cambridge
Magdalene College Cambridge is to host a conference on The Ferrars of Little Gidding from Monday 5 September to Wednesday 7 September 2016. The College has been the custodian of the Ferrar family papers and portraits since the late eighteenth century when Martha Ferrar was married to Peter Peckard, who became Master of Magdalene College.
Nicholas Ferrar Day and the AGM of the Friends 2015
The annual commemoration of Nicholas Ferrar takes place at Little Gidding on the Saturday closest to his feast day, Saturday 5 December 2015, with a celebration of Holy Communion at 10.30am. The Bishop of Huntingdon, the Rt Revd David Thomson, will preside and give the address. The AGM of the Friends of Little Gidding will follow after lunch.
T S Eliot Festival : Little Gidding : 18 July 2015
We are pleased to announce that the Tenth Annual T S Eliot Festival at Little Gidding will take place on Saturday 18 July 2015.The Festival is a major literary celebration of the life and work of Nobel Prize winning writer Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888-1965). We are delighted to welcome again this year visitors from the T S Eliot International Summer School.
Little Gidding Pilgrimage 2015
With just a few days until this year’s Little Gidding Pilgrimage on Saturday, here are details for those who are coming, including minor changes to the programme for the day, details of parking and car sharing. We look forward very much to welcoming you all, along with our Pilgrimage leader, the Rt Revd Rowan Williams.