This year’s Pilgrimage will be held online on Saturday 26 September 2020, starting at 11am. The Pilgrimage celebrates the life of Nicholas Ferrar and his family, and remembering that they first came to Little Gidding to escape the devastating plague in London, seeking isolation and quarantine.

The Pilgrimage will include pre-recorded segments at each of the usual pilgrimage stations (Leighton Bromswold, Salome Wood, Hamerton, Steeple Gidding and Little Gidding), readings from the Bible and elsewhere, with short reflections and prayers.

This online event will be about an hour in length and then available for subsequent viewing. Please join us. To do this you will need to have access to a computer or tablet that runs the video conferencing system Zoom. If you haven’t yet used Zoom, then it is simple and free to install. To access the pilgrimage broadcast you will need to register in advance at
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

2020 Little Gidding Pilgrimage to be online