Saturday 7 December 2013

Nicholas Ferrar is commemorated in the Calendar of the Church of England on 4 December, the date of his death in the year 1637.

This year the commemoration at Little Gidding is observed on the nearest Saturday 7 December 2013, and the AGM of the Friends of Little Gidding will be held on the same day. The service will be led by the Rt Revd Stephen Conway, Bishop of Ely and President of the Friends of Little Gidding, assisted by the Revd Mary Jepp, priest-in-charge of the group that includes Little Gidding. Bishop Stephen will also give the address afterwards. We are delighted to have Bishop Stephen with us again.

The timetable for the day is:

10.30: Holy Communion
11.30: Address by the Rt Revd Stephen Conway, Bishop of Ely (in Ferrar House)
1.00: lunch
2.00: AGM of the Friends

You are very welcome to attend some or all of the day. As we need to have an idea of numbers for lunch, it would be helpful if you could let us know if you plan to be present. See the contact page or email

Nicholas Ferrar Day and the AGM of the Friends 2013